Booking Update!

Currently booking from June-December 2015

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Session Giveaway!

After the horrible tragedy in Newton a few months ago, photographers are teaming up to offer a free photo session to deserving families who might not be able to afford it. Everyone deserves to have their memories preserved through pictures that will last a lifetime!

 The rules are simple: Comment here or email me ( telling me who you are nominating for a free session. If you feel that this is something you would like, ask a friend to nominate you. It's that easy!

Who can enter: anyone in the Austin, TX area or Rochester, NY area. (or anyone who is willing to drive to these places :)

I will draw at random on Tuesday, February 19th, 2 weeks from today. If someone in the NY area wins, the session will take place in April, 2013. If someone in the Texas area wins, the session will take place in either May or June, 2013.

Nominations start now! GO! :)

1 comment:

cathie.s said...

I nominate my daughter, Emily Schwaderer and her 8 month old son, Caleb, who will be in Rochester in April! :)
Living in Africa, she does not have the same opportunities as those of us who live in the states to have professional pics done.
Thanks for the opportunity, Jenna!

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