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Currently booking from June-December 2015

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Inspired {Austin, TX Children's Photographer}

This morning I read a great article (you can read it here) about capturing something other than faces. It adds the the character of a picture and can really tell a great story! So, I decided to keep my eyes out throughout the day to put this into practice. My daughter wanted to "help" me clean the bathroom so I put her right to work scrubbing the toilet. She actually does a pretty good job! Of course, baby brother also wanted to "help" by touching the cool blue water, splashing and having the time of his life. Instead of being a good Mother and bringing my boys hands OUT of that nasty water, I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots. (Don't hate!)
I think this picture tells a funny little story and is better than if would have taken it of their faces. :)
And don't worry, when I was done, he was banned from the bathroom!


Katie said...

oh, my gosh JENNA!! that is awesome :)i LOVE IT!!

Jenna (Cammi J Photography) said...

Thanks! :)

Victoria said...

Truly fantastic!

Unknown said...

Oh my. That's adorable!!! :)

Mrs. VK said...

Oh, Jenna! I don't think I could have grabbed the camera but I would have wished I did!!!

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